Join our CloudSource experts for an in-depth look at our newest OER and OA content solution. These deep dive sessions will walk you through CloudSource and how it can benefit your library by expanding your collections and saving you money. Register now to get all your CloudSource questions answered!
Since 2020, Public libraries have faced unprecedented challenges in staffing, budgeting, and services. The Public Library Association’s Annual Surveys give voice to those needs and frustrations but fall short when it comes to how to address them. How can you take those data points and turn them into actionable change? Join us for this free […]
Once a year, library staff and administrators spend valuable time completing the ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey. But what happens with that IPEDs data after you submit it? What if it could be more than a task to check off your to-do list and result in actionable change? Academic libraries have faced many […]