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MobileStaff Product Overview

March 26 @ 1:00 pm 1:30 pm EDT

Looking for a way to work with your patrons or items outside of the circ desk, or even outside of the library? Want to see how SirsiDynix’s MobileStaff app can help?

Take your portable hardware to the stacks, on the bookmobile, to off-site events, and more. With the MobileStaff app, you can add or update patrons, check out or check in items, process holds, and manage inventory—no matter where you are. To learn more, join Product Manager Carla Clark for this 30-minute product overview.

During our time together, we will:

  • Discuss how you can leverage MobileStaff to interact with both patrons and items.
  • Highlight MobileStaff’s most distinctive features, such as tracking event attendance, weeding unused items, supporting self-check, and working offline.
  • Explore forthcoming updates on the product roadmap.

Get your questions answered and get ready to take this versatile circulation companion wherever you—and your library—need to go. We hope to see you there!