
Content Aggregator

The EOS.Web Content Aggregator creates a single location for congregating all of your RSS feeds. The Content Aggregator automatically checks for new content at library-determined intervals and emails the collected information to patrons in a single email, eliminating the disorder caused by separate emails from individual RSS feed sources.

Total Coverage

The Content Aggregator offers a comprehensive view into the online news that affects your business. The Content Aggregator can collect broad news coverage across a wide range of media types, harvesting content from online news sources, blogs, and broadcast channels.

Organized Content

The Content Aggregator quickly finds targeted online news content relevant to your business needs. You can intelligently categorize news content to provide targeted browsing.


The Content Aggregator means your staff and patrons spend less time, money and resources sourcing multiple news feeders for the latest information. The Content Aggregator integrates directly into your EOS.Web application, saving you the cost of integrating a new application into your busy workflow.

Cost Effective

Because the Content Aggregator consolidates news from the Internet, there are no hidden content access charges as there are with traditional syndicated news services. The result is a fixed cost as part of your EOS.Web solution.