Useful links enable librarians to gain access to cataloger’s reference tools, (e.g., Library of Congress’ Cataloger’s Desktop), and to download records from a bibliographic utility or CD-ROM database product in MARC format, thus improving cataloging efficiency.
EOS.Web supports the Bibliographic and Authority standards in both the MARC21 and OCLC MARC formats. This functionality means that you can import authority records such as new Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) from authorities like the National Library of Medicine and have the EOS.Web system automatically updates the linked bibliographic records. The flexible cataloging module also provides the ability for you to customize the MARC rules themselves, in addition to the ability to add text descriptions to MARC records and have that text be fully searchable. The 13 digit ISBN format is built into the module.
The EOS.Web Catalog database is completely customizable to your collection. The bibliographic index building process accepts custom taxonomies, any MARC field, or any identifiable portion thereof that can be identified for inclusion in the index. Customizable data entry templates are also provided. Additionally, you can:
The EOS.Web system provides for extensive security restrictions including restrictions on operators who are allowed to add, delete, or modify the bibliographic record. You can additionally place restrictions on whether the database, collection, or item should be viewable by the public. Only authorized operators are allowed to add or change authority file entries.
Full MARC Authority records as defined by Library of Congress standards are easily handled, however, EOS.Web also provides customizable authority files for desired fields (e.g., personal and corporate names, series, and subject headings) as well as for all defined cross-references for each.
Authority files permit appropriate “see” and “see also” cross-references to be displayed, indexed and maintained. Additionally, the Library can establish and maintain broader, narrower, related, earlier, later, etc. headings and references enabling protection against circular and blind “see” and “see also” cross-references.