
Federated Searching

Federated search functionality eliminates the problems associated with having to search, one at a time, dozens of databases, each of which have their own unique search interface.

With EOS.Web Federated Searching, from within the EOS.Web OPAC, users can select any set of database sources to search, whether it be internal, the Web, Z39.50, commercial or free. Results are displayed according to the source, and with a single click, the entire record is displayed in the native database interface.

Our library automation and knowledge management solutions will integrate with any federated search engine available on the market today. If your organization currently uses a federated search product, or is evaluating solutions today, you can be assured that whatever your current product or future choice is, it will seamlessly integrate with EOS.Web. This integration enables simplified back office operations, reduced costs, and improved access to information.

EOS has partnered with Deep Web Technologies’ Explorit to offer you an unbeatable federated search experience. Explorit returns accurate results, simplifies the query process and allows greater efficiency to maximize your savings. With the flexibility to install, integrate and design a search to fit your needs, Explorit has become the “researcher’s choice” in federated search.

Deep Web Technologies’ Explorit features and functionality:

  • Intuitive Basic Search: Access all collections in real time from one simple search box. Deep Web Technologies has evolved Explorit to intuitively search multiple sources simultaneously so users don’t require endless hours of training on how to use the search interface.
  • Advanced Search: Advanced search allows the serious researcher to eliminate the clutter of nonessential results by selecting only the sources needed for search.
  • Search All Collections Simultaneously: Explorit doesn’t limit users to searching a handful of collections at one time. Its powerful technology searches all of your collections, whether 1 to 1000, simultaneously and in real-time. As results are returned, Explorit aggregates, ranks and de-duplicates results on the fly. The Collection Status tool helps users discover how many results were found at each collection and how many were returned to Explorit for optimal resource utilization.
  • Robust Connectors: Tie all collections together into one search box. Explorit easily connects with a variety of internal collections (ILS, OPAC, proprietary) as well as subscription-based, public, or other collections from one search box.
  • Powerful Search Capabilities: Explorit connects to each collection quickly and fully, searching the entire contents and delivering ranked results and ratings that are unrivaled in their accuracy. In 2-5 seconds, a user can begin their research with relevantly-ranked, intelligently clustered results, while sorting and filtering results to drill down to precisely what they need. Full text links are available and show the type of document through a word, text or pdf icon. Particularly authoritative collections can be fine-tuned to deliver more results so researches feel confident they have all the right results.
  • Automatic Alerts: No longer are users required to manually perform a search on the same term day after day. With the Explorit Alerts, users can set up their perfect search, with only the right sources and let Explorit regularly deliver results to your email inbox. Preferred delivery methods might vary, so Explorit also delivers alerts via RSS and ATOM feeds.
  • Connection Protocols and Standards: Because of Explorit’s scalable and extensible nature, organizations have seamless growth of their collections and search capabilities. Multiple connection protocols (SRU/SRW, HTML, XML, custom search), compliance with standards (Z39.50 and others), and platform and browser independence make Explorit easily installed and integrated.
  • Web Services-Based API: Explorit rides on a Web 2.0 architecture to facilitate integration and utilization within an enterprise or behind an organization’s secure firewall. By using Explorit’s Web Services-based API, customization can take place on a variety of levels, to let organizations take charge of application and feature delivery.
  • Incremental Search: Explorit solves the federated search speed problems with incremental search. Results are returned incrementally, from the fastest collections to the slowest so users don’t have to wait for all of the collections to finish before browsing the results. When all of the results have been returned, users can merge them in with their results list, or cancel if they have already found what they need.
  • Usage Statistics and Administration Tools: Invaluable for pro-active maintenance, Explorit houses a tabular and graphical monitoring system, allowing administrators to check for search errors, collection health and responsiveness, query terms and numbers of user queries. Administrators can also view user click throughs to each collection for accurate monitoring of collection viability within their organization.
  • Intelligent Clustering: Clustering provides an efficient query-refining technique. Drill down into customizable clusters such as publishers, authors, topics, dates and more. Each cluster expands up to three levels to hone results for the needle in the haystack.
  • Direct Connect Citation Download: Direct Connect allows users to download selected results into their citation manager of choice, such as RefWorks or EndNote. Explorit also downloads in .RIS format to allow a broad range of support for other citation managers.
  • Relevance Ranking: Using a powerful ranking algorithm, Explorit ensures that users see the best results at the top of the list. Explorit’s five-star rating system identifies the most relevant results regardless of how they are sorted and filtered.
  • Flexible Sort and Filter Options: Users can sort and filter result lists by author, date, title, relevance, source or any other number of customizable fields their organization has chosen to include in their Explorit application.
  • Search Builder: Instantly create customized search portals for departments, groups or individuals within your organization. Search builder allows administrators to select specific sources and fields and add instructional or descriptive text to the main search page.
  • Customizable Applications: Each solution is unique, built to our customer’s needs and user satisfaction. The Explorit user interface can be completely tailored to tightly integrate with existing portals, such as an organization’s homepage, and manipulate results for sophisticated presentations. Using our API support functionality with best of breed application building tools, Explorit allows for a quick deployment by technical teams.