

EOS.Web OPAC is a revolutionary solution that allows corporate, legal, medical, government, academic, digital, and special libraries to customize the capability as well as the look and feel of their OPAC.

The OPAC includes simple and advanced searching, title lists, and complete record displays. The new mobile format allows search and retrieval access to your library’s OPAC through your mobile devices.

The Template Designer provides filtered access to the standard and mobile templates created by your library for use in EOS.Web OPAC. From the List screen, select separate default templates for OPAC and mobile access. Add, copy, delete, preview, or open for maintenance any of your library’s pre-defined or custom templates. Once open for maintenance, the template designer provides full access to the tools necessary to create and maintain custom templates. Included are predefined layouts and themes to achieve the desired look for your library, drag and drop controls to make menus, links, text, and images available to your patrons, single click functionality to add HTML-based functionality to your OPAC, and a properties panel to allow advanced designers to fine-tune the attributes and placement of any screen element with precision.

Template Designer includes translation services and full style control to allow custom color selections for selected text, mouse-over text, highlights, links, visited links, etc.

EOS.Web OPAC delivers functionality to title lists and the complete record display. Item, shopping cart, or order requests can now be enabled as well as the ability to place title or item level holds. Users may rate/review titles and print, email, and share complete record information. Access to WorldCat® Search and third-party subscription-based products such as RefWorks and federated searching have been implemented.

Full sign-in support, security, new user roles, and the options for your users to view searches and lists saved by your library or to save their own searches and lists are also available. Site level filters for limiting searching by language, format, location, etc. can now be set per site.

e-Search, Google Book on e-Search, and the Icon Search screen can now be enabled in EOS.Web OPAC. Cross Library searching brings Z39.50 and OpenSearch capabilities to your users. Plain text search results are also available for display.

The OPAC offers a wide variety of patron functionality. Users can be offered access to their patron information, password, social profiles, reviews, and circulation desk transactions (view checked out items, renew items, view checkout history, holds, charges, circulation orders, and temporary messages). Enable full routing functionality to allow patrons to view and/or place themselves on serial route lists.

Premium patron options are also available:

  • My Requests lets your OPAC users route research or reference requests to library staff and to view the status of submitted requests.
  • My RSS Feeds lets patrons manage which aggregated RSS feeds they receive via email.
  • My Courses allows students and instructors to view their class/course information, reserved material, and media links. Instructors may further manage materials by placing items on reserve for their classes.