

The EOS.Web Circulation module is a customizable, automated circulation system with provisions for checkout, check in, renewals, holds, accounting of fines and fees and interlibrary loans.

It offers libraries total flexibility in establishing loan periods, patron types, item and patron blocks, fine structures, and other circulation parameters using a calendar that takes into account your library’s holidays and hours.

The EOS.Web Circulation module enables your library users to be more self-sufficient when used in conjunction with the optional EOS.Web SIP2/3M™ SelfCheck™ module, available with EOS.Web Enterprise. RFID solutions optimize materials and human resources in libraries with security technology that identify, track and secure library materials. When used in conjunction with EOS.Web, even first time users will be able to process materials quickly and privately.

Customizable Checkout Procedures

Checkout, over dues, fines and renewal parameters are customizable, enabling your library to customize circulation parameters, e.g. loan periods and fine rates according to media type, patron type, collection type, Item ID, Patron ID, and location that are appropriate for your library. An offline Circulation function enables you to handle checkout information from remote locations via a portable barcode scanner.

Customizable Holds

Multiple reservations on a single title are accommodated while “first-come-first-serve” queues are maintained, subject to the threshold number of reservations per copy, as well as for the total number of holds that a patron can place (as determined by library policy). Unlimited customizable patron type categories enable circulation policies to be controlled by assigning a patron category to the patron’s record.

Send Notices via email or regular mail

This module allows for the on-demand generation of overdue notice reminders for all materials overdue since the last printing or subsequent notice reminders complete with a Final Notice generation which incorporates the replacement price of the item.

Circulation Statistics & Reports

A wide variety of standard circulation reports are available. Among these is a printed statistical report on the number of patrons currently registered, by patron status, and type. Transactions by patron are maintained on-line including:

  • Total amount of unpaid fines
  • Total of unpaid charges for lost or damaged items
  • Current transactions or those items which are currently checked out to the patron
  • Total number of checkouts