
Relief: Help Libraries Affected by this Season’s Hurricanes

Caitlin Thomas
Associate Marketing Writer

Libraries across the South and Caribbean have suffered devastation as a result of the recent hurricanes. Losses vary from flooring and computers to entire story collections. These libraries serve as primary points for people to access the internet to communicate with insurance providers and loved ones.

At SirsiDynix, we believe in the power of libraries. If libraries aren’t running, many important public services are lost. Our libraries are in need, and there is something we can do to help them get back on their feet.

To support the recovery efforts, SD is donating all proceeds from the Power of Libraries store to help libraries get back on their feet. Use the code “RELIEF” when you check out and all proceeds from any store purchase will go directly to the American Library Association Disaster Relief Fund. ALA is working with libraries in affected areas to know what resources they need, and all funds raised will go towards purchasing those resources.

Together, we can make a difference.

ALL proceeds from your purchases will go directly to the Library Relief Fund. Visit the Power of Libraries store and use the code “RELIEF” at checkout.

"If libraries aren’t running, many important public services are lost. Our libraries are in need, and there is something we can do to help them get back on their feet."
